
FavEx - Favor Exchange System

Get your daily problem solved in a FRIENDLY and TRUSTED way. FavEx is an innovative Favor Exchange System that gives value to your HELP!

With FavEx you can build you PRIVATE network and start to collect your FavEx TOKENs… use the tokens to exchange FAVORs easily …  for FREE!

FavEx System is similar to Gift Economy, based upon 3 principles:

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FavEx Favor Exchange System

FavEx Revolution...

FavEx is a Revolutionary Favor Exchange System that will change your life 🙂

The idea is to help the people to help each other… for FREE!

How it works: … you need a little favor, but very valuable for you…

  1. Use your TOKENs to create a FAVOR REQUEST and send it to your PRIVATE TRUSTED Network
  2. Receive the availabilities… CHOOSE one of them based on the TRUST algorithm
  3. Get the favor DONE… feel supported and appreciate the value of the received help 🙂

You decide the value of the favor and the corresponding AMOUNT of TOKENs for each favor request you create.

You can ask for ANY KIND of favor:

  • borrow a tool
  • help to paint a wall or in gardening
  • repair the bike
  • a lift
  • a tuition or a consultancy
  • bartering objects
  • babysitting or dog walking
FavEx Favor Exchange System

FavEx Culture...

70% of the European population lives in big cities and we all know city life is chaotic. Everyone runs on his way and sometimes we ignore each other.

FavEx System allows you to ask for FAVORS, not to anyone… but only to people CONNECTED with YOU through common friends!

It will change your life … for the BETTER!

Favor Exchange

FavEx System allows you to easily receive help… small help like a Favor.  You can ask any kind of favor… to your TRUSTED NETWORK.

The Favor Exchange is based TOKENs… to encourage mutual help. It is a FAIR mechanism to ensure your effort gets back the right value. Not in terms of money… but in terms of TRUSTED HELP when you need it… not necessarly by the same person.

When you help someone, the value you are giving is much greater than the effort you are making!

Favor Exchange System

Bonus for You...

Your opinion is important to us.

Please, give me 90 seconds to answer 7 simple question!

Yes, I'm Ready...

FavEx System will be ready soon…

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Contact Us

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us… Send us an email and we will reply within 48h.

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Copyright 2019 – All rights reserved by FavEx